Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hood to Coast

I spent this weekend at home running a 197 mile relay with 11 other people.  My dad and brother ran it as well. We started doing it 4 years ago with this team and it is my second year doing it. We finished this year in just over 26 hours, which is one of our best times yet. Although it doesn’t sound very fun it actually is a blast. You have a weird sense of camaraderie with the other runners. Everyone is as crazy as you are…Normal people don’t run through down town Portland at 3am. Each person runs 3 legs, mine were about 7 miles, 7 miles and 4 miles. I actually ran really well, so all the hard work and training paid off. A couple interesting things I remember:

1.              Its always hilarious to see everyone’s team name. Each team has two support vans and they are decorated according to your team name. Our team’s name is Semper Ubi Sub Ubi (we are “sponsored” by a law firm, so its latin) which translates to Always Wear Underwear… So we painted boxers and briefs on the back window of our van. Some of my favorite team names: NADS, the North American Distance Sprinters. They always cheer “Go Nads!” and their vans are decorated with 2 giant blue balls on the top and they always blare music on speakers on the top of their van. It cracks me up everytime. A couple others were Great Bowles of Fire, Dunder Mifflin Track Club, Running our Assets off, Team Jacked Up Spider Monkey, Banana Striders (they give out bundles of bananas to everyone), Team I Immediately Regret this Decision, The Business Timers, What Willis Was Talking About, The Eh-Team (from Canada), Michael Bolton Running, Team WWCND (What Would Chuck Norris Do), 11 Runers with Seimen, CTR: Choose to Run, Brown Trout, That’s What She Said, The Red Dress Express (all members of the team, guys and girls, ran in red dresses), Team Honey Bucket, A Drinking Team with a Runner Problem, Gently Rolling Hills my Butt, Dunder Mifflin Celebrity Race for the Cure for Rabies (what ever the name was),  I Thought this was a 5K, The Agony of Da-Feet, The Triple-Dog Dared Us, Run and Not be Weary, Waddle and Hurl, Real Men of Genius,  Victorious Secret.

2.              I was amazed how many teams ran in costume too. Besides the red dress express there were the bearded ladies, a team of super heroes and a team of Elvises.  Im sure there were a ton more but that’s all we saw on the course. That doesn’t sound fun to me at all. Watching a guy run his last leg, which was an 8 mile killer (I ran it last year) in a short, spaghetti strap red dress was entertaining but I felt for him.

3.              My dad served his mission in Japan  and he saw a team from Japan so he started telling them Gambate, I have no idea how to spell it but it means hang in there. So we were getting back to van and my dad was like “I just saw a Japanese team.” Adam didn’t miss a beat and said “Yeah, we saw the photographers.” We all started laughing but he wasn’t kidding. There are 6 runners in each van and for those 6 runners they had 3 people taking pictures with nice telephoto lenses and everything.

4.              Its pretty cool in Hood to Coast because most of the time when people pass someone (unless you are trucking at like 5:10 miles and trying to win the whole race, those were the mile splits for the winners this year) you say something like keep it up, looking good and they are appreciate it and tell you good job too.

Hood to Coast is a great opportunity and I’m glad that I’ve done it the last 2 years. You guys should try it

Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Grandparents

So i spent some time with my grandparents and i think they are pretty cool. 
This is one of the reasons

(Since the viewer is so small the opening credits say: Richard and Carol Burton, Outstanding Citizens, Thoughtful Neighbors, Exceptional Citizens, And)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Anybody want to go in with me?

So last night I had a stroke of luck and came up with the best business plan ever:

I will open up a business which will only really appeal to high schoolers and college students looking to have a good time with their friends. Laser tag will be perfect

The equipment will be shady at best and when it don’t work, ill take it out on the client

Ill only employ high class employees, emphasis on high, as in twitching, ADD, pot users.

Ill let the customers pick the music, but then only play it for 5 seconds and switch to the music that I really want.

Ill be so involved in the business that I will patrol my arena and when clients get out of line, ill yell like crazy at them (at the top of the lungs)

When they want their money back cause they had a bad experience ill instead give them a free pass so they can repeat their bad experience. Don’t worry, ill give them a free Gatorade though

Ill even give them print outs of their scores, but they wont make any sense and ill give some people totally bogus ones just to keep things interesting

But just to make sure they have a good time, ill provide ample situations that can be commented on by saying “that’s what she said”…

random thoughts as I wake up

Since people actually know about my blog, I should probably start writing more often.

So im starting to kick up my running for the summer which means im not pasty white anymore, I think that’s more of my motivation then I let myself believe. 

I need a running partner, I’ve decided that I can’t motivate myself on long runs any more, so if you know someone that runs in like the 7:45 range let me know 

Friday was my brothers last day of high school. We are all now officially done with high school. It’s a pretty weird thought. The streak of having a Willis boy on the soccer team is officially done after 8 years 

I’m sick of people blaming Bush for the economy being in the toilet. Yeah he spent a lot of money but I’m a firm believer its those idiots that took out 3 mortgages on their house that made the difference. And gas is ridiculous period

Why does good weather need to be ruined by a 17 page paper and a bunch of reading? 

I can’t believe its June already, its crazy how fast time flies. Especially when you don’t have to be hermit cause its 20 degrees and snowing outside. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Making up for lost time

I think my 3 favorite comics of all time are The Far Side, Calvin and Hobbes and Zits. My favorite Calvin and Hobbes always have to do with snowmen and i was surfing the internet and found a whole page of those types of commics:

Part of this is so i will have access to it. 


What I learned as a woman

As a response to the video…

1.     Skirts are pretty cool, they keep you cool in the heat but its annoying to cross your legs that much

2.     I would have short hair cause getting hair caught in your mouth as your riding in the back of a pickup truck isn’t cool

3.     I need to work on my legs

4.     Corsets suck. I understand Elizabeth in Pirates of the Caribbean now, you don’t know pain until you’ve worn a corset. I would say if its that big a deal, you might as well take the pain in the form of exercise and loose those pounds

5.     I can’t swing my hips, I tried but it didn’t really work

6.     Danny, cankles still aren’t attractive, even when your wearing a dress 

Monday, May 19, 2008